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Submit Your Work

Review submissions guidelines and follow the steps below


Submission Categories

Visual Arts:

Oil painting, watercolor, sketch, photography, illustration, calligraphy, etc.

Performing Arts:

Any kind of instrumental performance, vocal performance, original music, etc. (no restraints in genre)


Narratives, poems, prose, novels, memoirs, diaries, plays, commentaries, scholarly articles/research papers*, etc.

*We value source validity & academic integrity, therefore we will only accept scholarly articles/research papers that are already published and used by scholarly websites

1. Write Your Email

One submission per email, except for an artwork series (please specify) 


To submit, send an email to

Name the subject: <Your Name + Purple Bubble Submission>

Provide the following information in the email body:

- Your name, grade, school (for student submissions only)

- Contact information/Wechat ID

- A short bio of you

- Title of submission, date of creation

- For art submissions only: Dimensions of artwork, media used

- A brief description & background context of your submission

- For research paper/scholarly article submissions only: URL of published article & description of academic website

Optional: write a short message to your readers/viewers!

2. Attach Work to Email

Attach to your email:

Name the attachment <yourname_titleofsubmission>

Visual arts:

Image file should be in JPG format

Minimum size of 1MB


Performing Arts:

Video file should be in MP3/MP4 format

Minimum duration of 2 minutes

Minimum resolution of 720P



Word doc

Both Chinese and English accepted

Song (Chinese) / Times New Roman (English) 12-point font

No word limit

3. Wait for a Response

Submitters will be notified within a week for results!

If you have any questions concerning types of submissions we accept, feel free to contact us!

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