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"I Wanna Fly" MV - Roy Zhang, Jonathan Yu

About the creators

Name:Roy Zhang, Jonathan Yu

School:The Webb Schools


Two high school students who love music, explore history, and use their own power to speak out.

About the piece

Creation Date: 2021.1.19

"I Wanna Fly" is a song written by Roy Zhang and Jonathan Yu in January, 2021. Based on their reflections on the "Black Lives Matter" movement and the study of North American history, they wrote the song together with sharp lyrics, hoping to use their voices to let more people understand that period of history. They wrote their verses from the perspectives of black slaves and Native Americans respectively, narrating the history and accusing the European colonists of their hypocrisy at the time; the chorus pushed the emotion to the climax, manifesting people's hope in the dark time. Although that part of history has already become the past, they still hope that the audience could think of today's situation while listening to this song. At a time when not only blacks and Indians but also other minority groups such as Latinos and Asians are discriminated against and treated unequally in the United States and all over the world, we should unite and work together for our own safety and rights, as well as equality for all people.








《I Wanna Fly》是Roy Zhang和Jonathan Yu在2021年1月完成的一首歌曲。基于在美高留学中对“Black Lives Matter”运动和对北美历史学习的反思,二人合作写出了这首具有犀利歌词的歌曲,希望能用自己微小的声音让更多人了解到那一段历史并有所思考。两人分别从黑奴与印第安土著的视角完成了自己的verse,叙述历史的同时控诉了殖民者们的伪善;副歌将情绪推到高潮,饱含了人们在黑暗时刻中的希望。虽然那段历史已然成为过去,但两人仍希望听众们能在听歌的同时想到今天的情形,在不只是黑人和印第安人,还有拉丁裔与亚洲人等少数族裔都在美国以及世界各地遭到歧视和不平等对待的时候,我们更应该团结一致,共同为自身的安全、权益,还有人们的平等而斗争。

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