翱翔于云雾, 不知身处。
疑:是云是雾, 是云是雾??!
渴望能腾云驾雾, 虽身处云雾缭绕处
云不知深处, 是否有如来佛祖, 或仙人指路。
盼望有朝一日, 可认清云雾, 穿破云雾,
虽此刻 (你) 我仍在云雾深处
About the Writer 作者
Name:Michelle W
Grade 年级 :9
School:Dulwich College Beijing
A Hanfu lover, both sweet 'n salty sometimes annoying ;)
可甜可盐, 时而讨人厌的汉服同袍 ;)
About the Poem 诗歌简介
Time: November Holiday
Location: Mount Emei
The light of the sun guided me to "pierce through the clouds", making me walk into the depths of the fairyland of Mount Emei. Here, I was inspired. Combined the changes of the "human world", I wrote this poem
时间: 十一假期
地点: 峨眉山
太阳的光辉指引我 “披云斩雾”, 使我走入峨眉山仙境深处。在此地, 我有感而发。结合“人间”的人情变故, 我收获了这首诗歌 ;)
Thanks for reading!
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